How To Care For Felt And Wool Hat(s)

How To Care For Felt And Wool Hat(s)
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Being a hat wearer is something of a proud distinction. Wearing a hat can really help you stand out in a crowd, and fashionable hats after an easy way to make a style statement that rivals anything you might spot in a fashion magazine or on a runway. Yet if those men’s and women’s wool hats look a little worse for wear, you’ll be making a statement for all the wrong reasons Whether you enjoy it or not, part of the joy of owning a hat is making sure it stays clean. That’s particularly important for materials like wool and felt, which have a tendency to pick up dirt and hang on to it. Fortunately, basic maintenance and care can make all the difference.

Few Ways To Clean A Hat

Use A Hat Brush

 Use A Hat Brush

That fashionable hat of yours needs all the TLC you can give it, especially when it starts to look a little unlike its usual self. A hat brush made with horsehair bristles is a great tool to use on any of your felt and wool hats. Be sure to use a lighter shade, and darker toned bristles for a darker hat. Otherwise you might risk some colour transfer from the bristles to the hat, Simply use gentle strokes to dislodge any dirt that may be embedded in the wool or felt. Move in a counter-clockwise direction to effectively remove more stubborn particles. You may not be able to see every single speck, but you will make a dent in the dirt.

How To Tackle Hat Stains

 How To Tackle Hat Stains

It can be a little more alarming when you spot a stain on men’s and women’s felt hats. A little persistence, though, can pay off. If you’re dealing with felt, use a soft rubber sponge to gently attack the stain. Rub away until it disappears

You can clean your fashionable hats made of wool with nothing more than some mild detergent and cold water. Fill a basin with water and add a tablespoon of soap. Immerse the wool hat in the water and move it around gently. Allow it to soak for at least five minutes. Then pour out the soapy water and fill with clean cold water. Place the hat in water again to ensure that all of the soap is rinsed away. Next, the hat will to dry completely. You can place it in a dry towel and roll it up to start, before unrolling it and placing it on a different dry towel and allowing it on air dry. Another option is simply to set it on a tabletop in a cool, dry room.

Perfect Storage For Your Hat

 Perfect Storage For Your Hat

How you store your fashionable hats is just as important as how you maintain them. In fact, proper storage is a standard part of basic maintenance, and if you care at all about the longevity of your men’s and women’s wool hats. You’ll make that extra effort. Never store a hat on its brim; you run the risk of disrupting its silhouette and breaching its normal shape.