3 Vital Shoe Recommendations for Kids

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Once  your baby starts cruising along furniture to taking their first few steps. It is important to think about what shoes to buy for your new walker. The foot is a complex structure comprised of 26 bones. These bones are designed to support the entire body, adapt to uneven surfaces and absorb shock with each step. A baby’s  foot contain more cartilage than bone. Although the structure of the foot develops fully by 2 years of age, the bones themselves  do not fully develop and harden until around 18 years of age.

Below are 3 Vital Shoe Recommendations for Kids:

The Pre-Walking Shoe


Certain types of shoes are appropriate for your child’s age. Babies and crawlers do not need shoes. They need booties or pre-walking shoes that do not bind their feet. The shoe should be flexible rather providing a rigid support. And it’s very important that the shoe be shaped like the child’s foot. The  function of a shoe at this age is warmth and protection.

Toddler Shoes


Choose a light weight shoe as children this age, tend to use a lot of energy walking. A leather or canvas tie shoe is more secure, will stay on the foot, and will fit little feet better. Toddlers can go barefoot in a protected environment such as indoors.

School-Age Children’s Shoes


Style and shoe fit is important for school-age children. Their main function is shock absorption and protection. At this age, they can choose from a variety of options including athletic shoes, etc. It is very important to wear the right shoes for the right activity to prevent injury. Looking for reasonably priced, flexible, well-ventilated shoes that allow plenty of room for growth.